Scheduler and Timer

Task scheduling is the core part of an operation system. It is extremely important but need not to be very complicated. In many cases, simple scheduling policy can improve the system efficiency.

Operation System

Pipe and Signal

Pipe and signal are two common technology to do processes communication. And Linux 0.11 has supported both of them. Here are the brief introduction to the implemention of the them.

Operation System

Minix 1.0

The file system of Linux 0.11 is Minux 1.0, this is very tiny file system with limited capacity. But it is very suited to be an eductional version.

Operation System

File Operation

This article mainly focuses on the create, read, write, close and delete operations on file in Linux 0.11. Here is only a brief view of the steps.

Operation System

Fork and Execve

This article mainly focuses on the two system calls, fork and execve, in Linux 0.11 and describes what will happen when we call them.

Operation System


TTY comes from the word teletypes or teletypewriters, means the physical or virtual interrupt. TTY mainly focuses on interactive with user.

Operation System


In Linux, there are many similar concepts. This article briefly talks about the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table), GDT (Global Descriptor Table), LDT (Local Descriptor Table) and TSS(Task State Segment).

Operation System


Paging is a very important for memory management. It can help to implement virtual memory and shared memory.

Operation System