Operation System 2016-09-12 Fork and Execve 2016-09-11 IDT LDT TSS and GDT 2016-09-18 Buffer and Block Device 2016-09-13 File Operation 2016-09-18 Linux Start 2016-09-19 Linux Start Part II 2016-09-17 Pipe and Signal 2016-09-10 Paging 2016-08-21 Protected mode and Real mode 2016-09-12 TTY 2016-09-18 Scheduler and Timer 2016-09-15 Minix 1.0 Machine Learning 2017-11-25 HummingDog 3D Face Painter 2017-01-02 Bayes Estimation 2017-01-04 Logistic Regression 2017-01-03 Naive Bayes 2017-01-06 SVM 2017-01-05 Softmax 2017-01-01 Maximum Likehood Estimation